Monday, October 26, 2009


got back my papers is what i didnt expect to get..
although i didnt fail any of my papers but the result is terible...
i was so stress during exam that sometimes my mind go all blank and nothing related to it seem to appear..
please dont blame wny1 for what i did.
went for the last add math tuition and i know we are gonna miss teacher truly..
gonna miss the time we go high for the last 15 min of tuition time..
cousin ask me to babysit her *baby*(puppy) this few days due to the busy life of working o holidays.
well now our topic in school is whether we are gonna work..
well in my opinion i think we should enjoy our teenage life while we can and not start our working life..i know there isn't any money for you to lo..idk why you all want to work..haix..i know its boring staying at in the process now..but do exercise or read man..or even study.

i love you the way you are..
just try harder in what we had miss out

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